Virtual reality, motion-tracking gaming

For anyone who struggles with a traditional game controller, particular with first-person shooters, YEI Technology of Portsmouth, Ohio, has a solution: A wireless sensor array, called PrioVR, that can be strapped to your torso and arms, or to your full body, to control the game by moving your body.

The company says the system has a number of benefits over camera-based controllers such as Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect, including better accuracy and no need for a straight line of sight to the game.
It works in conjunction with customized PC-based games, and the company is working with game developers to broaden the catalog.

Special bonus: It also works with the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, for an extra dose of immersion.

They’re planning to launch a Kickstarter in the coming weeks to offer the product to the public, with the torso sensor array selling for                                                                                     $275 and the full body version going for less                                                                                      than $400.
Source: geekwire

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