Keyboard for your tablet

Finding that perfect physical keyboard for your mobile device can be a pain and TrewGrip thinks it has a great solution.
The company’s handheld keyboard straps onto a smartphone or tablet and features a full QWERTY layout, albeit in a unique place — on the back of your device, hidden from view, split in half and rotated vertically so your hands that grip the keyboard can access each key. Corresponding lights illuminate on the front to show which key you’ve selected.

The contraption looks a little odd at first glance and employees say it takes about ten hours to learn how to type in a completely new way. But it has advantages over many competitors, namely that you can type away while sitting, standing or even walking around.

Cincinnati-based TrewGrip, which failed to meet a $100,000 funding goal on Kickstarter last year, will make its product available in this year. The keyboard, which will retail for $250 each, already has interest from medical professionals.

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